eBay Announces It Will Extend Media Seller Discount Once Again

[caption id="attachment_128" align="alignnone" width="100"]eBay Media Seller Discount The Media Seller Discount Continues[/caption]

Today eBay announced that they would be extending the media BIN now disount. Which is good news for media sellers and an overdue move by eBay. The media discount allows media such as Video Games, CDs, DVDs and Books to be listed for one month for just $0.05 cents. Provided they are Buy It Now items and are listed using eBay's catalog description. This move is not really unexpected as media items usually take longer to sell through than many other types. Having sellers pay the normal $0.50 for each media item would have no doubt created quite an uproar among sellers and made many items no longer profitable to sell on eBay. My question is why they keep calling this a discount instead of just making it part of their standard pricing?


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